Monday 26 May 2014

The Week Ahead

I have decided to start a weekly entry into the Room 17 blog telling you what we are going to be doing in the following week. The purpose of this is to keep you updated with what your children are learning about and any special events that are happening. I hope you find this useful. 

 In literacy we have been learning about adjectives and this week we are going to learn about similes. The children are going to use the computers to publish some similes, they will also illustrate these. Look out for their published work in the classroom. We are slowly building towards writing interesting and detailed character descriptions. 

A great way to practise adjectives is to play 'quick fire adjectives'. One person names an object (noun) and the other person has to quickly think of an adjective to describe it.

Below is a computer activity to practise similes: 

In mathematics we are continuing to focus on addition and subtraction strategies. The aim is for all children to be able to automatically count on for addition problems or back for subtraction problems in their head (imaging) from the biggest number. If your child can already do this then they will be working on strategies that involve using their knowledge of basic facts, for example, doubles. Each day we learn/recap on some basic facts through games or songs. This week we are going to focus on number partners to 20 (19 + 1, 18 + 2, 17 + 3, etc...). Below are some great ICT games to practise these facts.

This week we will start our new inquiry topic for term 2. The topic is 'Under the Sea' and there will be a science focus on fish. This week we will be introducing the topic and talking about what we already know about fish. There will be many opportunities for the children to learn within the the Arts in this topic as we create sea murals, explore the movement of underwater creatures through drama and music as well as singing ocean songs.

The much anticipated electives start this Friday. The children should all know which elective group they are in. They will be in their chosen for the rest of this term and choose a new elective for term 3.

We have started learning about the basic skills associated with winter ball sports, specifically looking at basketball, netball and rugby. This children have started practising their passing and defending skills through fun games. We also continue to have our weekly middle team Jump Jam sessions.

Other Things Happening this week
- Tuesday: There is a performance in the hall called RAPUNZEL
- Wednesday: We will be going to the library on Wednesday's for the rest of the term due to       a timetable clash with our usual Friday slot and electives.
- Thursday: Mrs King will be teaching in room 17 as I use the day to work one on one with                  the children to look at the progress they are making in reading.
- Friday: Assembly
Next Monday - Queens Birthday Holiday - school will be closed

I hope this weekly update will be useful for you... HAPPY SNOW DAY

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