Monday 22 September 2014

End of Term Party

Dear Families/Whanau,

To celebrate the end of term room 17 will be having a class party on Wednesday 24th September. This will involve each child bringing a small amount of food for a shared lunch.

For the shared lunch please provide a small plate of food. This will be a lunch that we eat during class time so please ensure your child brings something to share at the start of the day. Also, a mix of sweet and savory plates would be appreciated.

Some other reminders:
 It is the George Street Normal School Sports day on Thursday. We will be catching buses to the Caledonian for this event. Please ensure your child has a packed lunch with some extra food on this day and that they are dressed appropriately.

- Have a lovely and restful holiday.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Under the Sea Wearable Arts on the News.

Over the last few weeks we have been designing and making costumes of sea creatures for the Wearable Arts. Yesterday we had a performance to show off all of our costumes. Lucy was an octopus and made onto the news. She is famous!

Monday 25 August 2014

Here is a photo of our class playing instruments. At the moment we are going to Room 11 every Wednesday for cultural swap. Mrs McCully has been teaching us how to play the beat to a song called the Lion Sleeps Tonight and the One Man Band on all different types of instruments. We have been learning to play the drums, the shakers, the triangle, the slapper, a whistle and a cow bell.

Monday 18 August 2014

Thursday 14 August 2014

Middle Team Speech Competition

Well Done to Luka and Thanuja for getting into the semi final for the Middle Team Speech Competition.

They both did a FANTASTIC job of reciting their poems. Lukas was great at using expression and Thanuja was really good at making eye contact.

Well Done to Luka who has made it into the school FINALS!!!! He will say his poem next Thursday in from of the WHOLE SCHOOL! 

Friday 8 August 2014

Our Assembly

Hi Room 17,

I hope you are enjoying the snow today and keeping warm!

Tolday at school I was going to give you the words to the song and rap that we need to learn for our assembly. Can you please have a look at these on here and start learning them.

I'm a Bucket Filler (Echo)
Each and every day (Echo)
Kind things I do (Echo)
Kind things I say. (Echo)

I do my best (Echo)
Not to ever dip (Echo)
I say "I'm sorry" (Echo)
If I ever slip. (Echo)

When I'm feeling bad (Echo)
bout what you did (Echo)
Try to understand (Echo)
I use my lid. (Echo)

If someone's getting dipped (Echo)
I make a new friend (Echo)
By using my lid (Echo)
To make the dipping end. (Echo)

We are bucket fillers. (Echo)
We try not to dip. (Echo)
We use our lids (Echo)
When other people slip. (Echo)

If we follow these rules (Echo)
And do all three (Echo)
Our buckets stay full (Echo)

Hooray for me and you! (Echo)
Hooray for me and you! (Echo)
Hooray for me……….

……….AND YOU! (Echo)


Thursday 7 August 2014

Transformations = changes

We have been learning about transformations in Mathematics. 

Today we made under the sea posters which show translations (slides), reflections (flips) and rotations (turns). 

Here are Sophie and Raghad's poster and Thanuja and Tarun's poster. 

Can you spot the transformations?

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Cross Country 2014

Wow! What a stunning day we had today for the cross country. The children had a marvellous time! I was very proud of their hard work and the effort they made. We even had some star runners that will be going to the Otago Cross Country. Well done Isaac who won his race and Rylee who came third. You two will need to keep training for the Otago race! Cross Country on PhotoPeach

Monday 4 August 2014

Cross Country

Hi All,

Just a reminder about cross country tomorrow. There is a note coming home tonight with important information regarding this.

Let's hope the weather is like today. You can check the school website to check for a postponement if need be.

Hopefully we will see you there.

Miss Cassidy

Thursday 24 July 2014

Symmetrical Adventure

We are learning about symmetry. We folded different shapes to see if they were the same on both sides. If they were the same that means the shape is symmetrical. If the sides were different then the shape is not symmetrical. Some shapes have one line of symmetry and some have more.

Today we went on a symmetry adventure and took photos of lots of symmetrical and  not symmetrical shapes. See if you can pick the symmetrical and not symmetrical shapes that are in our playground.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Welcome Back to School

Hey Room 17,

Welcome back to school. I hope you all had an awesome holiday!

I am so excited to start term 3 with you. Today I will be telling you all about the learning that we are going to do this term. 

Please remind your whanau that we have Parent Teacher Interviews this week on Wednesday and Thursday.

This week it is Maori Language week so we will be learning some new  Te Reo to celebrate.

Miss C

Tuesday 24 June 2014


On Friday we visited room 16 to learn about Matariki together. We watched a legend about how the seven sisters were formed. Then we talked about celebrations. To celebrate Matariki as a community we made a korowai. We wrote how we like to celebrate with our whanau and friends on feathers and attached these to our korowai. It is hanging outside room 16 and 17, you should come and have a look!

Monday 23 June 2014

Syllables GAME

Today we looked at syllables. Syllables help us sound out words when we are reading or writing. Syllables are the sounds in words. You can clap or speak like a robot or count how many times your mouth opens to count syllables. Here is a fun game to play to practise breaking words into syllables.
What are you going to do to fill a bucket today? At the end of the day we will post onto the blog with some of the special things we have done to fill each others buckets. 

Wednesday 18 June 2014

The Flame

Well Done Lucy, Sophie, Lola, Luka, Thanuja and Isaac! 
These children have worked very hard and now have their name on the flame. 
These children always fill buckets, do the right thing and do their very best work. We are very proud to have them in room 17.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

How to Be a Bucket Filler

In the last few days we have been talking about and remembering how to be a bucket filler. We have talked about what it feels like to have a full bucket and also what it feels like to have an empty bucket. Keep trying to fill buckets to make everyone feel happy including you!

Sunday 15 June 2014

This Week

Kia Ora,

This week we are going to be doing the following:

In writing we are going to be writing a chartacter description for the Principal's Writing Competition. 

In maths we are going to be doing lots of maths taskboard activities and we will be playing some games to help us learn about place value.

For Topic we are going to be constructing our fish by cutting out all the different body parts. We will also be learning about Matariki and hopefully on Friday we will spend some time with room 16 to celebrate.

On Thursday Mrs King will be teaching you as all of the Middle Team teachers are going to be having a meeting for the day.

See ya in the morning.

Miss C

Friday 13 June 2014

Jack's Strength Project

We were very lucky to see some photo's and read some of Jack's travel journal from his trip to Thailand.

He worked very hard and produced some fantastic writing. Well Done Jack.

Wednesday 11 June 2014


Kia ora whanau's 

It's that exciting time of year when some of our families come together to celebrate Matariki - Maori New Year.

Matariki officially starts this Saturday. There are lots of awesome events and activities for you to be apart of. Ch
eck out this link to see the calender of events for Matariki this year. My favourite is the Lantern Parade.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Strength Projects

Well Done Sophie and Durar for completing your strength projects. Both of these girls used their reading strength to create a poster about a favourite book.

Monday 9 June 2014

Shared Writing: Character Description

Wiley Coyote has brown and white, razor sharp ears. He has a fluffy tail and is as thin as a pin. His nose is as crooked as a frog’s leg because he broke it when he smashed into a solid rock. That evil coyote is so sneaky. He thinks he is smart but he is not 
very clever and a bit stupid! Wiley       Coyote speeds around trying to catch Road Runner but always fails.

Written by room 17
Published by Elsie McCoy

Sunday 8 June 2014

This week

Kia Ora Room 17,

This week we are going to be continuing on with our learning and I have lots of fun activities planned.

In writing we are going to use our knowledge of adjectives and similes to start writing some interesting character descriptions. Remember that we will be writing a character description for Mr Galloway's writing competition.

In reading you will be carrying on with your group activities. I was very impressed with your the summaries you wrote of your books last week. This week we will do some more summarising and we will make sure we write what happens in the beginning, middle and end of the book we are reading.

In maths we will be getting back to our taskboard and you will all be working on different activities. You all need to make sure you know your halves up to 20. We are going to keep learning the number partners to 20 too. Oh, I almost forgot! I am going to show you a awesome new website that we are going to use to help us at maths time - it is called Studyladder.

In topic we will carry on learning about fish and our focus this week will be learning about the parts of a fish and what the fish uses each part for. 

Other things:
- I will be at a course on Wednesday so Mrs King will be teaching you.
- We have assembly on Friday. Do you know who is getting a certificate from Room 17?
- Michael is our Bucket Filler this week. Well Done Michael!

Adios amigos.

Miss C

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Mr Galloway is....

Today the children were playing a game where they worked in teams to come up with juicy adjectives to describe objects or people. The last person they were asked to describe was Mr Galloway and this is what they came up with

          COMPASSIONATE                    HANDSOME
                    RESPECTFUL            INTELLIGENT              SPECIAL

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Sea Similes

As razor sharp as sharks pointy teeth.
As friendly as a dolphin.
As slow as a sea turtle.
As  sneaky   as  a   catfish.

                     As fast  as  a piranha.

                    As giant as a whale.

                   As scary as a shark.

                    As flat as a stingray.

                     As speedy as a hammerhead shark.


                        As humongous as a whale.

                    As friendly  as a dolphin.

                       As fast  as  a sharks humongous  tail.
                 As   fast as  a  swordfish.

As stripy as a yellow, black and white angelfish.

                                                        As jiggly as a jellyfish.

As wide as a whale.

As wiggly as  a jellyfish.
by Lachlan

As delightful as a dolphin.

As colourful as a coral reef.

Slimy and slow like a sea  snail.

As bright as a sunfish.

As fat as a whale.